Responsalyzer Component

The Responsalyzer is used to measure the system response. This can be in any venue, or the response of components in a Q-SYS design.

There is a limit of four Responsalyzers in a design.

There are two inputs to the Responsalyzer, and no outputs:


There are two inputs to the Responsalyzer: Measurement, and Reference.




Response Graph

The scales for the Response Graph vary depending on the measurement method you select, see below.

When the X axis is frequency, the horizontal movement of the vertical crosshair cursor snaps to the bandwidth setting in the Responsalyzer Properties, 1 octave, 1/3 octave, and so on.

The vertical movement of the horizontal crosshair follows the magnitude or amplitude of the signal at the point of intersection with the vertical crosshair.

There are 10 octaves spanning the audio frequency range. The frequency is doubled (or halved) for each octave.

When Mag or Mag/Phase is selected, there is an orange line visible at the top of the graph. This line represents the Coherence of the Measurement signal compared to the Reference signal. The range is zero (at the bottom of the graph) to one at the top of the graph. Any coherence signal below 50% should be considered not usable.



Measures the magnitude of the Measurement input signal compared to the Reference Input signal over the audio frequency range. The green line is the Measurement Input signal.

Requires a Reference Input, typically the same source as the Measurement Input but prior to any EQ other DSP.

X Axis = 20Hz to 20kHz

Y Axis Left = -20dB to 20 dB


Same as the Magnitude selection but with the addition of a phase line (magenta) to compare the phase of the Measurement Input to the Reference Input. When both lines are the same across the frequency range, the phase is the same.

Requires a Reference Input, typically the same source as the Measurement Input but prior to any EQ other DSP.

X Axis = 20Hz to 20kHz

Y Axis Left, Gain = -20dB to 20 dB

Y Axis Right, Phase = -180° to 180°


Measures the time difference of the energy pulse of the Measurement Input compared to the Reference Input. The Reference Input is at 0.0 on the X axis (not shown), and the Measurement Input pulse is displayed at the point on the X axis representing the time difference.

The Y axis displays the amplitude of the Measurement Input.

Requires a Reference Input, typically the same source as the Measurement Input but prior to any EQ other DSP.

X Axis = 0.0ms to 5.3 ms

Y Axis Left = -1.0 to 1.0


Measures the Measurement Input signal's magnitude over the audio frequency range. The RTA function does not use a Reference Signal.

X Axis = 20Hz to 20kHz

Y Axis = -80 dB to 20dB





RTA Bandwidth

Sets the bandwidth for the RTA measurements. The default is 1/12 Octave.

This sets the resolution logarithmically and should be adjusted along with the FFT size.

1 Octave

1/3 Octave

1/6 Octave

1/12 Octave

1/24 Octave

FFT Size

Sets the resolution and response of the RTA measurements linearly.

The larger the FFT bin, the slower the response with greater resolution. A smaller FFT bin size gives faster response with less resolution.






Control Pins


Pin Name




Pins Available

Clear 1


Input / Output


These control pins are all vector type outputs for use with a Control Script.


Impulse Response


Magnitude Response


Phase Response


RTA Response




1. The Clear trigger is used to clear the graph when you change or mute the input.


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